Hidden Strength
Bougainvillea and other flowering vines
Hidden Strength LLC was born out of a desire to do something different. Our owner, Wes Jolley, known among his peers as one of the world’s top growers of bougainvillea, was fed up with growing the same, simple standard items as everyone else. Frustrated by having to grow products based on cubic sq. feet and the “tired old” styles of yesterday, Wes went in a different direction. The results have been spectacular!
Tireless development and design resulted in our patented Hidden Strength Staking device. Wes created and designed individual pieces of art with amazing three, four, and five ball bougainvillea topiaries. These products have been enthusiastically received by both the Garden Center and Landscaping Industries. But that was just the beginning! As we gained experience at steel fabrication and welding, the creative juices began flowing. Today, Hidden Strength is constantly producing new and exciting ways to use bougainvillea and other flowering vines. From our freestanding columns to our topiaries, and our line of “New Standards”, Hidden Strength is leading the way in innovation. At Hidden Strength, with each unique piece, “We do Different”!
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