Green Garden Products (CGP)
Green Garden Products is part of the Central Garden & Pet family. Based in Norton, Massachusetts, Green Garden provides high quality products for the home gardener and outdoor hobbyist. Our brand portfolio includes the most well-known seed and seed starting brands in North America. Many of these brands were founded in the mid-1800's and have been trusted by generations of gardeners. We feel a deep sense of pride and responsibility to carry on the tradition of these brands by delivering the highest quality products to our customers.
Many of our brands were founded in the mid-1800's and have been trusted by generations. While most companies have a life span of 50-60 years, the average age of our brands is 122 years! We feel a deep sense of pride and responsibility to carry on the tradition of these brands by delivering high quality products including our OMRI listed Organic plant food and our 100% Non-GMO seeds.
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