CitraBlue St. Augustine

The University of Florida's St. Augustine and Zoysiagrass . 
CitraBlue St. Augustine was developed for its disease resistance and includes exceptional shade tolerance, weed and drought resistance, a reduced mowing frequency and a unique blue-green color meaning less fertilization. It is available now across the state with more widespread availability in 2022. CitraZoy Zoysiagrass comes from the same breeding program at UF and is the first zoysia developed specifically for Florida. It was developed for disease resistance as well as improved color retention in the winter. It is among the finer-bladed varieties.

Brands: CitraBlue™ St. Augustine / CitraZoy™ Zoysiagrass - Both from The University of Florida
CitraBlue® St. Augustine grass was developed by the University of Florida’s turfgrass breeding program under a sponsored Research Service Agreement with the Turfgrass Producers of Florida, Inc. (TPF). CitraBlue® St. Augustine is known for its deep blue-green color and disease resistance. CitraBlue® St. Augustine has less vertical growth than most St. Augustines and allows for minimal mowing and maintenance. CitraBlue’s shade tolerance is ranked at the top alongside Palmetto® St. Augustine.

Address:   PO BOX 460, MT PLEASANT, SC, 29465
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